Aarhus Universitets segl

University World News covers the OPEN COST Action

In an article titled: "EU project to explore impact of nationalism on HE freedoms", University World News covers the OPEN COST Action. The article also includes statements from several OPEN members.

In an article from the 24th of January, University World News covers the OPEN COST Action. In the article several OPEN members comment on the aims and scope of the Action. Read the article here.

Among other things University World News writes that: "A 38-country interdisciplinary research project funded by Horizon Europe – coordinated by Aarhus University in Denmark – will examine how shifting geopolitics and the rise of new nationalisms restrictively influence freedom and openness in European higher education and research and suggest ways to address perceived threats. The large COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) action programme, officially known as “Rising nationalisms, shifting geopolitics and the future of European higher education/research openness” (OPEN), runs from 2023 to 2027 and aims to strengthen European scholarship."