Aarhus Universitets segl

Annual conference 2024 in Aveiro

The OPEN Cost Action held its first annual conference at the University of Aveiro, Portugal from the 16th to 19th April 2024

The OPEN action’s first annual conference at the University of Aveiro represented a significant milestone in the efforts of the OPEN Action to address pressing issues surrounding the openness of European higher education and research in the face of rising nationalisms and geopolitical pressures. By bringing together leading scholars from 40 countries, the conference took collective step towards converging diverse pan-European and interdisciplinary perspectives on the university in times of geopolitical uncertainty.

With a wide array of insightful keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops, attendees engaged with the latest advancements and challenges in navigating the complexities of historical and current pressures academic freedom and institutional autonomy. Moreover, ample networking opportunities enabled participants to forge new collaborations, share research findings, and contribute to the advancement of research agendas within the EU and beyond.

A heartfelt thanks to all the participants for their inspiring and insightful comments during the conference. Very promising indeed for the future scholarship on the openness of higher education and research, not least when it comes to challenges concerning academic freedom. A very special thanks to Sara Diogo from the University of Aveiro for her invaluable contribution in making this conference possible. For more information about the OPEN Action, please visit www.opencostaction.eu or follow @OPENcostACTION on X and “OPEN. EU COST Action CA22121” on LinkedIn.

The conference program included:

Tuesday 16.

Early Career Scholars Colloquium

The OPEN Action offers an annual "peer-to-peer" research colloquium for early career scholars prior to the annual conference. The colloquium supports the opportunity to share work-in-progress and engage in peer-to-peer feedback.

Thursday 18.

The shifting geopolitics of higher education and research: cross-pressures reconfiguring academic freedom and institutional autonomy

Opening keynote by OPEN Chair, Katja Brøgger and OPEN Vice Chair, Hannah Moscovitz

What if? Exploring possible futures of transnational cooperation for Europe’s universities

Keynote by Thomas Jørgensen and Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik from the European Universities Association.

The Global Geopolitics of Openness in Science: European Universities under internal and external pressure

Keynote by Prof. Ole Wæver, University of Copenhagen

Friday 19.

The Migration-Higher Education Nexus and Knowledge Alchemy

Keynote by Prof. Meng-Hsuan Chou, NTU Singapore

The erosion of de facto academic freedom in Europe: underlying factors and policy options

Keynote by Prof. Peter Maassen, University of Oslo