Aarhus Universitets segl

Parham Ahranjani Mirzaei



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Parham Ahranjani Mirzaei




Dr. Mirzaei authored 70+ journal papers and served as the sole author of a fundamental and widely appreciated textbook entitled as “Computational Fluid Dynamics and Energy Modelling in Buildings: Fundamentals and Applications”, published by Wiley in 2022.

Dr Mirzaei is Editor-in-Chief of the journal of Advances in Building Energy Research, Associate Editor and  Editorial Board member of various leading journals of the field. He is the Vice-president of IAQVEC association, one of the major communities in the air quality, ventilation, and energy in buildings. He was the UK representative and now Denmark representative member in multiple International energy Agency (IEA) Annexes such as Annex 31 and Annex 37.


Dr Mirzaei has an extensive research portfolio about a variety of topics in (i) building science such as building energy efficiency, minimizing airborne pathogen transmission, improving indoor and outdoor environmental quality, integration of renewable energies and energy storage technologies, and in (ii) urban science such as distributed energy solutions, urban heat island mitigation, and enhancing urban ventilation. Dr Mirzaei has utilized these studies using diverse experimental techniques (e.g., PIV, wind tunnel, satellite remote sensing, GIS, field survey, in-situ velocimetry, etc.), statistical and AI-based approaches (e.g., big data analytics, data-driven modeling, data sampling), and numerical methods (finite volume, finite difference, energy balance modeling, etc.).


Simulation of Building Energy Systems

Building Installation

Resilient Buildings and Cities

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