Aarhus Universitets segl
Institut for Agroøkologi - Center for Landscape Research in Sustainable Agricultural Futures - Land-CRAFT

Laboratory and field technician/engineer in mechatronics at Land-CRAFT

Ansøgningsfrist 30. aug 23:59 CEST

Forventet start 1. nov

  • Institut for Agroøkologi - Center for Landscape Research in Sustainable Agricultural Futures - Land-CRAFT Ole Worms Allé 3 8000 Aarhus C

  • Tidsbegrænset fuldtidsstilling 1. nov 2024 - 31. okt 2027 ID: 15530

Søg stillingen
Have you always enjoyed building LEGO blocks, as well as connecting engines and electronic parts to your design? At Land-CRAFT you can replace the LEGO blocks with pipes, gas chambers, sensors, soil buckets, trailers, screws and bolts, and a lot more. If this sounds interesting, would you like to assist us develop our laboratory and field activities on measuring environmental parameters and ecosystem greenhouse gas fluxes at the Center for Landscape Research in Sustainable Agricultural Futures (Land-CRAFT)?

The Pioneer Center Land-CRAFT (https://land-craft.dk/) was established in June 2022 to undertake fundamental and applied research that will address three of today’s major societal challenges: Food security, climate change and loss of biodiversity. Finding solutions for all these problems requires studies that extend across multiple spatial and temporal scales. The Center brings together experts on climate impact research and landscape analyses with backgrounds in biogeochemistry, agronomy, biology, geography, and social sciences from Aarhus University and University of Copenhagen, as well as our international partners: Colorado State University/NREL and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/IMK-IFU. Digital technologies, including biogeochemical modelling and remote sensing, as well as interactions with stakeholders are key components of Land-CRAFT.

We have a variety of activities in the field, in our laboratories, and in the workshop as an integrated part of our research with the above-mentioned goals. There is always room for creativity and idea exchange within the group, and it is important for us that everyone enjoys their work, while delivering the required solutions. We need a new team member for our technical team running our field and lab experiments. You will be part of an international research environment and refer to the Center Director Prof. Klaus Butterbach-Bahl.

Job description

Your main tasks are:
  • Supporting early career scientists in running laboratory and field experiments
  • building/designing innovative custom-made measurement systems for quantifying soil greenhouse gas emissions
  • identifying and purchasing lab and field equipment like environmental sensors for soil-environmental conditions, laser spectroscopes for trace-gas analysis, etc.
  • coordinating the maintenance of the equipment
  • Support the establishment of Nitrogen balance measurements and soil greenhouse gas fluxes at SmartField sites (https://www.dti.dk/projects/smartfield/an-innovation-platform-for-n2o-mitigation-in-danish-agriculture/45988)

Your profile

We expect that
  • you are an engineer in mechatronics, mechanical/electrical design or similar, OR a laboratory technologist with experience in integration of electronic and mechanical systems
  • you have experience with connecting mechanical equipment to digital systems
  • you have experience with a wide range of sensor technologies and how to develop and program environmental sensor networks
  • you have good English and Danish skills (The language of research at the Center is English, while Danish will be needed to interact with farmers, local shops, etc.)
  • you are motivated by working on projects, where overall aim is to support the green transition in agriculture
  • you can work individually
  • driver’s license is desirable, as you will need to visit the various experimental sites

Expected start date and duration of employment

This is a full-time position (37 hours/week) for 3 years. The position is available from 1st November 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The main place of work is Ole Worms Alle 3, 8000, Aarhus C, while field experiments might vary in location (national and international).

Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact Professor Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, phone: +45 93508238, e-mail: klaus.butterbach-bahl@agro.au.dk or technician Lars Norge Andreassen, e-mail: lna@agro.au.dk

Formalities and salary range

Salary and terms as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Taxation and the Confederation of Professional Unions.

Aarhus University’s ambition is to be an attractive and inspiring workplace for all and to foster a culture in which each individual has opportunities to thrive, achieve and develop. We view equality and diversity as assets, and we welcome all applicants.

The application must be submitted via Aarhus University’s recruitment system, which can be accessed under the job advertisement on Aarhus University's website.

Spørgsmål til stillingen?

Klaus Butterbach-Bahl

Klaus Butterbach-Bahl Professor, centerleder, Institut for Agroøkologi - Center for Landscape Research in Sustainable Agricultural Futures - Land-CRAFT +4593508238 klaus.butterbach-bahl@agro.au.dk

Spørgsmål til ansøgning og proces?

Administrationscenter Nat-Tech - Nat-Tech HR +4520601835 nat-tech.HR.team2@au.dk

Søg stillingen

Ansøgningsfrist: fredag den 30. aug 2024 kl. 23:59 CEST

36.000 studerende

inklusiv ph.d.-studerende

8.500 ansatte

opgjort i årsværk

7,7 mia. kr.
