Aarhus University Seal

Tom Aabo


Associate Professor, PhD

Primary affiliation

Tom Aabo

Areas of expertise

  • Behavioral Corporate Finance
  • Exchange Rate Exposure Management
  • Real Options Applied
  • Enterprise Risk Management

Contact information

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Personal CV

Tom Aabo is an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Economics at Aarhus University and a research fellow at the Danish Finance Institute (DFI). He holds a PhD in Economics and Business Economics from Aarhus University (2000). In his teaching, supervision, and research, Tom takes an applied approach in the cross-chairs between theory and practice motivated by seven years of industry experience. 


Tom's research interests are behavioral corporate finance in particular and corporate finance in general. Tom is especially interested in investigating how CEO personality traits impact corporate decisions - including decisions related to gender and CSR/ESG. Tom has published in Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, European Financial Management, International Business Review, among others.   


Teaching activities

Currently, Tom teaches Behavioral Corporate Finance (MSc), Risk Management (MSc), and Corporate Finance (MBA and HD). Previously, Tom taught Corporate Valuation (MSc), Corporate Finance II (MSc), International Finance (Executive MBA), Finance II (BSc), International Business Finance (MSc), Foreign Direct Investments (MSc), International Business Strategies II (MSc), Internationalization of the Firm (MSc), and Corporate Finance (BSc). 


Tom has an extensive research collaboration with the University of South Florida in Tampa. Tom has been on four research stays (6-12 months each) at the University of South Florida since 2009. Previously, Tom also visited Oklahoma State University in Stillwater (6 months) and RMIT in Melbourne (6 months).

Selected publications

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