Aarhus University Seal

Anette Vandsø


Associate Professor, ph.d.

Primary affiliation

Anette Vandsø

Areas of expertise

  • Environmental art
  • Sonic citizenship
  • aesthetics
  • sound art
  • Acoustic ecology

Contact information

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Anette Vandsø is an associate professor in Aesthetics and Culture, and co-director of the research programme in Environmental Media and Aesthetics. Vandsø has published extensively on aesthetics and culture with a particular interest in environmental phenonema, mainly plants and sounds, that tend to exist in the periphery of our field of attention,  and in the arts that centers that which normally exists as backgrounded phenomena. She works with concepts of sonic citizenship, sound art and environmental art, anthropocene and contemporary art. 

Vandsø has worked with artists, composers and museums in many contexts. She had contributed to many art catalogues, also as editor.

Vandsø has conducted several research projects. Currently she is PI on Hidden Plant Stories that explores house plant stories in the archives of 19th century art together with the two artmuseums Den Hirschsprungske Samling and Ordrupgaard. In this project an interdisciplinary group of scholars ask: What can we learn from zooming in on these unobtrusive, but often richly coded elements of art? And how may the museum serve as a forum for plant concerns?

In Vandsø's former research project The Garden: Aesthetic reconfigurations of nature  (2016-2020) she was part of the team behind the artmuseum ARoS' vast exhibition The Garden, exploring the merits of art in relation to the current global environmental degradations. She edited the peer reviewed calogue with texts from top researchers such a Bruno Latour, T.J. Demos and W.T.J Mitchell.

Vandsø has continously worked with sound as a relationel phenomena. In her ph.d.  (published Musik som værk og handling, 2016) she debates the performative work concept of the avantgarde's. In 2012, she was awarded with the Danish Research Counsil's Sapere Elite scholarship for the project A World in Sound,  to explore how the technologies in sound art allows us to experience backgrounded soundings and how that is used to establish new narratives or understandings of the world. Latest she have worked sonic citizenship, rereading John Cage's aesthetics of silence  in the context mid century protests over muzak.



Teaching activities

I teach and supervise broadly within aesthetics, cultural, art, and media theory. 

I often give guest lectures on my research; On sound art and sonic citizenship. On climate art, the Anthropocene, plant and post-nature in art.



Jeg holder af at bruge min æstetik og kulturfaglighed i praksis. Jeg har ved flere lejligheder arbejdet med at professionalisere ensembler og foreninger for ny musik, jeg har siddet i Dansk Komponistforenings fordelingspulje. Som leder af Center for Sound Studies har jeg arbejdet for at etablere et center for lyd og lyttekultur sammen med Nationalmuseet og Struer Museum  i Struer Lydby. Jeg har senest været udlånt til kunstmuseet ARoS for at arbejde strategisk med museets forsknings- og samlingsstrategi.  

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