In my research I investigate how electronic states of matter can be visualized and controlled using a combination of space- and time-resolved spectroscopies. The central focus is two-dimensional materials stacked into heterostructures and devices with specified twist angles, which allows for unconventional properties such as ultra-efficient carrier dynamics, superconductivity, magnetism and topology to be engineered into novel multifunctional hybrid materials.
In the Fall, I teach "Mechanics and Thermodynamics" which introduces physics students on the 1.semester to Newtons laws, the laws of thermodynamics and wave motion. In the Spring, I teach "Mechanics and Modern Physics for Chemists", which introduces chemistry students on the 2.semester to concepts from introductory mechanics and quantum mechanics. I supervise project, bachelor, master and Ph.D. students.
I am associate professor at IFA, where I conduct experimental research using our ASTRID2 synchrotron radiation facility. My group is running a beamline facility that is focused on the technique microARPES, which we use to characterize the quantum mechanical properties of exotic materials. Our current research is funded by an ERC Consolidator project called "EXCITE", where the aim is to launch and interrogate hidden states in quantum materials.