Aarhus University Seal

Timo Hener


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Timo Hener

Areas of expertise

  • Applied Labor Economics
  • Environmental Economics
  • Economics of Crime
  • Health Economics

Contact information

Email address


Timo Hener an Associate Professor at at the Department of Economics and Business Economics at Aarhus University, CESifo Research Network Affiliate, Fellow of TrygFonden's Centre for Child Research, and member of the Center for Research in Energy: Economics and Markets (CoRE).


His research interests cover the areas of empirical labor, demographic, environmental, health, and crime economics. He is working on several projects concerned with the effects of pollution on health, behavior, and productivity, topics in domestic violence and policing, as well studies on immigration and integration.

More on the personal homepage https://sites.google.com/site/henertimo/research.

Teaching activities

Timo Hener teaches Econometrics of Policy Evaluation at the Bachelor level, and Environmental Economics and Microeconometrics at the Master level.

Job responsibilities

Timo Hener co-organizes the departments' Economics Seminar Series (ESS).

Selected publications

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