Aarhus University Seal

Trine Graae Lundorf


Division Manager/Head of Secretariat, Head of Events and Communication Support

Primary affiliation

Trine Graae Lundorf

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


As Head of Events and Communication Support, I am responsible for ensuring that Aarhus University's overall brand and visual identity is vibrant and relevant across the university's platforms and communication activities. In addition, my task is to ensure that the university's own strategic and profiled events support reputation and outreach.

I have a Master's degree in Media Studies from Aarhus University. I have 15 years working experience in management within communication, branding and business development.

Job responsibilities

Responsible for Aarhus Universitys overall brand and visual identity, including graphic design, photograpic style, and video productions.

Responsible for Aarhus Universitys brand- and recruitment campaigns.

Responsible for strategic and profiled events at Aarhus University as well as support and help attracting and organizing scientific conferences.

Responsibility for Aarhus Universitys language services.


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