Aarhus University Seal

Steen Thorbjørnsen


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Steen Thorbjørnsen

Areas of expertise

  • Free probability theory
  • Probability theory
  • Random matrices
  • Operator algebras

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


In 1998 I completed my Ph.D on applications of random matrices in operator algebra theory. Since then I have been working in the research area known as "free probability", which is roughly a type of probability theory based on the notion of free independence in place of the classical notion of stochastic independence. Free independence essentially does does not occur in the framework of classical probability bur rather in a quantum probability setting. It may be observed asymptotically among large dimensional random matrices. 

Teaching activities

Since my employment at Aarhus University in 2006, I have taught a variety of courses mainly in probability theory, mathematical analysis and functional analysis. 

Spring 2024: Advanced probability theory 

Fall 2023: Stochastic Calculus, Theory of measure and integration. 

Selected publications

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Selected activities

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