Aarhus University Seal

Søren Rasmussen


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Søren Rasmussen

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  • Signal Processing
  • Optimization
  • Inverse problems
  • High Performance Computing
  • GPU Computing

Project title: Optimized signal processing of SkyTEM data

Main supervisor: Jakob Juul Larsen        

Project period: 1. aug 2014 – 2. jul. 2017


Project description
The project is part of a collaboration between the Aarhus based company SkyTEM, the Department of Geoscience and the Department of Engineering at AU. SkyTEM is a technology leader in groundwater measurements, using a helicopter based TEM (Transient Electromagnetic Method) system for sub-surface exploration.

TEM consists of measuring the earth response to a magnetic signal, generated by a large induction coil, which in this case is towed by a helicopter.

For this project, SkyTEM is currently developing a new hardware platform,  enables advanced processing of the measured signals. The purpose of this project is to explore and make use of the possibilities enabled by this new platform.


External partners/project that the PhD is part of

External partners: SkyTEM – www.skytem.com

Project: AIRTECH4WATER. Supported by The Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation


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