Aarhus University Seal

Saskia Meuchelböck



Primary affiliation

Saskia Meuchelböck CV

Areas of expertise

  • International trade
  • Global supply chains
  • Firm dynamics
  • International economics

Contact information

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Email address


Saskia Meuchelböck is a Postdoc at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University, and a research fellow at the Research Centre for Firms and Industry Dynamics (FIND). She holds a doctoral degree in Quantitative Economics from Kiel University, Germany, and Master's degrees from Bayreuth University, Germany, and the Barcelona School of Economics, Spain. 


Saskia's research interests are in global supply chains, firm heterogeneity and the implications of shocks on firms, workers and the aggregate economy. She works with detailed micro data from Germany and Denmark. Her research contributes to the EU Horizon Project  "Rethinking Global Supply Chains: Measurement, Impact and Policy" (RETHINK-GSC). Detailed information on the project can be found here: https://rethink-gsc.eu.

Teaching activities

Saskia is teaching the PhD course "Research Frontiers in Economics". 


Saskia is also a Fellow at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy in Germany, where she collaborates in the EU Horizon project "Rethinking Global Supply Chains: Measurement, Impact and Policy" (RETHINK-GSC).

Selected activities

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