Aarhus University Seal

Jonas Maibom


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Jonas Maibom CV

Areas of expertise

  • Labor Market
  • Job search and unemployment
  • Debt Relief
  • Welfare state

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


Jonas Maibom is an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University. He holds a PhD in Economics and Business Economics from Aarhus University (2015). 

For more information see his personal homepage here



Jonas' research interests include labor economics, job search and unemployment dynamics, savings - and debt dynamics, public economics and other welfare state issues and challenges.

For more information about current research projects and papers see his personal homepage here

Teaching activities

Jonas currently teaches in three different courses: 
Labor Economics (MA ECON course)
Applied Economics (BA ECON course)
Public Management (BA ECON/Pol.Sci course)

He is also involved in supervising a number of PhD, MA and BA students.

Previous courses includes: 
STATA programming, MicroEconomics 2 (Math Econ), The Economics of the  Public Sector

Selected publications

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