Aarhus University Seal

Louise Kruse Have


Department Secretary and Center Administrator

Primary affiliation

Louise Kruse Have

Areas of expertise

  • Center Administrator
  • Event and conference coordinator
  • Alumni coordinator

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address

Job responsibilities

I work with administrative, communicative, and developmental tasks at the Department of Biology. As an event and conference coordinator, I plan events using Conference Manager. I maintain the alumni network through Alumni Day, newsletters, and LinkedIn. As a course coordinator for continuing education, I organize courses. Additionally, I edit websites in TYPO3 and support Indfak, RejsUd, and REEX.

A crucial part of my role involves managing administrative tasks for the ECONOVO - Center for Ecological Dynamics in a Novel Biosphere - Aarhus University (au.dk), a Danish National Research Foundation Center of Excellence, alongside Center Manager Anne Blach Overgaard.

Selected activities

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