Aarhus University Seal

Louise Asmund-Hjorth


Communications Adviser

Primary affiliation

Louise Asmund-Hjorth

Areas of expertise

  • Communication consultancy
  • Change communication
  • Project management
  • Content production
  • Organisational insight

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


I am an experienced communications consultant who since 2001 has worked with communication, marketing, project management and digital media on both strategic, tactical and operational level in Nordisk Film, Egmont Magasiner, Fiskars Group and, since 2015, at Aarhus University.

Job responsibilities

I am communication partner for AU HR and AU Finance. Advises, plans, structures and organises strategic communication initiatives for the organisation's many different target groups. I am also editor on the administration's newsletter and on the publication of AU's key figures. As coordinator for IKOO (the coordination group for internal communication), I manage a communication network across faculties and strategic units. Finally, I am occupational health and safety representative in US and am a member of LSU.


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