Aarhus University Seal

Karoline Liv Vildlyng


Information Specialist, Information Specialist

Primary affiliation

Karoline Liv Vildlyng

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I am liason librarian for Philosophy and History of Ideas, as well as Information Specialist with emphasis on reference management and digital methods. I focus on developing new courses to optimize students' skills within digital methods and data competencies at Aarhus University, Arts. 

Some of my current teaching projects include: 

  • Knit & Code - a workshop that aims to recontextualize text mining as a digital method combined with coding in R, in relation to knitting and traditional handcrafts. The premise of the wokshop is that students experience increased comfort and ease when engaging with digital methods through understanding those methods through a lens of a craft they already master, knitting. 
  • Decode Art - a workshop developed especially for students within the clasical and aesthetic studies, as well as anthropology and history. The aim of the wokshop is to provide students with theoretical and practical insight into how they can work quantitatively and qualitatively with digitized art and artefact collections through use of integrated API's, data analysis and data visualization. 

Further, I take part in developing new strategies for teaching reference management, as well as being part of a work force analyzing possible scenarios for the future use of audio books and podcasts in university teaching. Lastly, I provide courses for students on BA and MA levels in information searches, reference management and generel use of digital and analogue library ressources. 

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