Kristoffer Ibsen is a Postdoc at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University. He is a research fellow at Trygfonden's Centre for Child Research. Kristoffer holds a PhD in Economics and Business Economics from Aarhus University (2023).
Kristoffer's research focuses on economics of education based on insights from applied microeconometrics, behavioral economics, and machine learning. He is particularly interested in utilizing these analytical tools to better understand the factors that shape educational outcomes.
Kristoffer is currently teaching a master's course in Microeconometrics, which is primarily offered to students pursuing an MSc in Economics, including those specializing in Public Policy. In addition, Kristoffer supervises bachelor's theses, master's theses, and topic reports.
Previously, Kristoffer has taught or co-taught the following courses:
• Mathematics
• Introduction to Empirical Economics