Aarhus University Seal

Michael Rosholm



Primary affiliation

Michael Rosholm CV

Areas of expertise

  • Labour economics
  • Education economics

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


Michael Rosholm is a professor in economics specializing in labour economics and education edonomics. He holds a PhD in economics from 1998. He publishes in journals such as American Economic Review, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Public Economics, and Scandinavian Journal of Economics


I am working on projects within the following topics at the moment:

  1. Genes, SES and skill formation during childhood
  2. Long term effects of active labour market policies on employment and health
  3. Dropout from universities
  4. Referrals, in-home interventions and out-of-gome placement
  5. The importance of caseworkers' beliefs
  6. The effects of a few hours of orinary work on later employment outcomes
  7. Meta-analysis of interventions during childhood

Teaching activities

Jeg underviser i forskellige fag:

Makroøkonomi (MBA)

Den offentlige sektors økonomi (FMOL)

Makroøkonomi (HA)


Selected publications

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