Aarhus University Seal

Cecilie Marie Løchte Jørgensen



Primary affiliation

Cecilie Marie Løchte Jørgensen CV

Areas of expertise

  • Climate economics
  • Macroeconomics

Contact information

Email address


Cecilie Marie Løchte Jørgensen is a Post Doc at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University. She holds a PhD in Economics and Business Economics from Aarhus University (2023).

She is a research fellow at the Center for Research in Energy: Economics and Markets (CoRE).


Cecilie's research interests include environmental and climate economics, macro economics, biodiversity, sustainability, and economics of the welfare state. She is particularly interested in studying the green transition in the short and long run and its implications for intergenerational sustainability. 

Cecilie is currently working on a project funded by The Rockwool Foundation on distribution of capital across generations.  

More information and details about her research is available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=5131440


Teaching activities

Cecilie is teaching a master’s course in Cost Benefit Analysis offered for MSc. in International Economic Consulting at the Department of Economics and business Economics, Aarhus University. She also teaches Sustainable Economics to bsc students in Economics and Business Administration. In addtion, Cecilie undertakes supervision of bachelor theses and master theses. 

Selected publications

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