Aarhus University Seal

Anne Katrine Borgbjerg


PhD Student

Primary affiliation

Anne Katrine Borgbjerg CV

Areas of expertise

  • Retirement economics
  • Health economics
  • Labor economics

Contact information

Email address


Anne Katrine Borgbjerg is a fourth-year PhD student at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University. She is also affiliated with the Pension Research Centre (PeRCent) at Copenhagen Business School. Anne Katrine holds a Master's degree in Quantitative Economics (cand.oecon.) from Aarhus University.

Currently, Anne Katrine is visiting the Department of Health Care Policy at Harvard University for which she has recieved a Fulbright Grant. 


Anne Katrine Borgbjerg uses Danish administrative data and state-of-the-art research methodology to answer societally important questions within the topics of pensions, ageing, and retirement. Her research interests are retirement economics, health economics, and labor economics.

PhD main supervisor: Professor Torben M. Andersen

PhD co-supervisor:  Professor Nabanita Datta Gupta.


Teaching activities

Anne Katrine Borgbjerg has supervised bachelor's projects in topics related to retirement economics and gender inequality. She has lectured in the graduate course 'The Economics of the Welfare State'. Additionally, Anne Katrine has been Teaching Assistant (TA) in 'Anvendt økonomi' and 'Økonomiske principper'.