Aarhus University Seal

Anders Albrechtslund



Primary affiliation

Anders Albrechtslund

Areas of expertise

  • Surveillance
  • Technology
  • Health
  • Ethics
  • Theory of science

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


I am a Professor of Information Studies and Director of Center for Surveillance Studies (CENSUS) at Aarhus University. Currently, I am the PI of the Carlsberg Semper Ardens: Accomplish project Human Agency and Data-Intensive Surveillance (2024-2029) and the HUMpraxis project LIVSTEGN, which is funded by the Velux Foundation (2019-2025).


The overall aim of my research is to investigate the role and impact of surveillance in society, especially in relation to digital technologies. I focus on surveillance technologies in individual and organisational contexts, particularly in the areas of everyday social practices, children’s lives, and healthcare. 

Teaching activities

I teach the bachelor's and master's programs in Information Studies and Digital Design. I have taught and supervised many courses, including Studium Generale and a number of current core courses on surveillance and welfare technologies. I supervise topics such as surveillance, data and technologies, sociale medier and ethics.


As a researcher and teacher, I have often collaborated with public and private partners both nationally and internationally. Feel free to contact me if you have an idea that might lead to collaboration.

Selected publications

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