Study and well-being guidance, recruitment, mentoring courses, academic coordination of student counsellors and project management are the cornerstones of my work at Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences. My core task as a student counsellor and well-being counsellor is to support the good student life for current and future students at Nat-Tech in close collaboration with faculties, departments, the administration and other central units at Aarhus University.
I am a study and wellbeing counsellor for students in Natural and Technical Sciences. I am a partner for the programs in Mechanics and Production – Technical Sciences (MPE) and coordinator for the team of student counsellors at AU Engineering. Additionally, I am a counsellor for the Supplementary Course and Access Course for engineering programs at Aarhus University.
As a study and wellbeing counsellor, I am part of the Guidance Team, focusing on student wellbeing and study completion. As part of our advising activities, I conduct mentor courses and supervision for mentors in Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences.
Furthermore, I am part of the Recruitment and Events Team, where we plan, coordinate, and execute events for prospective students in Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences, such as open house and u-days, in close collaboration with departments and other stakeholders