Dorthes forskningsinteresser relaterer sig til organisationsdesign, herunder formel og uformel organisering. Hendes forskning har været publiceret i internationale tidsskrifter, herunder Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Organization Design, Long Range Planning, California Management Review og mange andre. Hun er i øjeblikket principal investigator (sammen med Erik Larsen) på projektet: Patterns of Interaction: Emergence and Consequences, finansieret af Det Frie Forskningsråd. Hun fungerer som redaktør på Journal of Organization Design og er medstifter og medlem af bestyrelsen for Organization Design Community.
Dorthe has taught a range of different courses at both BA, MA, PhD and MBA levels.
Currently, her teaching involves the course: Organizational Behavior (BA) and Organizational Design and Change (MA - summer school).
Center leader of ICOA (Interdisciplinary Center for Organizational Architecture)
Associate editor of Journal of Organization Design
Board member and founder of Organization Design Community
Principal Investigator (together with Erik Larsen) on the DFF-funded project: Patterns of Interaction