Aarhus Universitets segl

Barth F. Smets



Primær tilknytning

Barth F. Smets




I am educated at the interface of Engineering (Environmental & Biochemical Engineering) and Life Sciences (Microbiology & Agronomic Sciences) with employment at academic institutions in Europe, USA, and Asia. I have coordinated large research groups investigating and developing bioprocesses in water and environmental engineering applications. I have experience managing multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary R&D projects. I am interested in facilitating and evaluating mission-oriented R&D and engineering projects to help solve environmental and societal challenges. I am proficient in people and project management and support innovative thinking. I am interested in guiding staff members on their personal and professional path towards successful project goals. I enjoy a diverse, collaborative and multidisciplinary work environment, and am eager to be part of an organization where purpose and people are at the heart of an endeavour to yield true planetary and human benefits

Researcher Identifiers ORCID: 0000-0003-4119-6292                                                Researcher ID: A-5076-2014

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