Aarhus Universitets segl

Petra Hermankova


Adjunkt, PhD

Primær tilknytning

Petra Hermankova


  • digital epigraphy
  • Greek epigraphy
  • Latin epigraphy
  • FAIR and Open Science
  • quantitative methods




Short messages in Greek and Latin carved on scratched into a durable surface survived in large quantities and provide us with an invaluable source of information about the Mediterranean communities for over 1000 years. I study the role of inscriptions across the Graeco-Roman societies, their function and the message they convey. I use computer-assisted methods, such as text mining or machine learning to elucidate complex phenomena such as the diffusion of ideas or labour specialization.

Udvalgte publikationer

Brug piltasterne på tastaturet for at scrolle
Brug piltasterne på tastaturet for at scrolle
Brug piltasterne på tastaturet for at scrolle