Aarhus Universitets segl

Yu-Yu Liu



Primær tilknytning

Yu-Yu Liu




My research interests are child-computer interaction; interaction design; computational empowerment; technologies in education; children's media and digital participation.

Before joining Aarhus University for the PhD position, I worked as a UX researcher and learning designer in London's tech industry. I've mentored 34 researchers through ADPlist. I earned the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree Scholarship in Children's Literature, Media, and Culture at the University of Glasgow. Prior to that, I was a primary school teacher and academic affairs lead in Taiwan, focusing on curriculum development, educational management, teacher professional development, and STEM education.


My current research focuses on enhancing formative assessment methods through pedagogical practices and digital design principles, to foster computational empowerment in K-12 education. I am affiliated with two multidisciplinary research groups: the Center for Computational Thinking and Design, and the Knowledge Center for Digital Technology Comprehension.

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