Aarhus Universitets segl
Institut for Økonomi

Positions as student programmers at The Department of Economics and Business Economics

Ansøgningsfrist 30. sep 23:59 CEST

Forventet start 1. okt

  • Institut for Økonomi Fuglesangs Allé 4 8210 Aarhus V

  • Tidsbegrænset deltidsstilling 1. okt 2024 - 30. sep 2026 8 timer pr. uge ID: 16163

Søg stillingen
The Department of Economics and Business Economics offers several positions as student programmers for students who want to engage in an academic environment and support researchers at the department with data work.

As a student programmer you will work with data, programming in various coding languages, including SAS and Stata, and other activities supporting research at the research group or research center you will be affiliated with. An important part of your tasks will be empirical analyses, and during the employment, you will obtain access to the Danish register data.

The positions are monthly paid positions of up to 24 months' duration. Start-up is 1 October 2024, or later by agreement.

Who can apply?

Students with:
  • Flair for data work (experience with SAS, Stata or R constitute an advantage).
  • Excellent academic qualifications (as documented by the grade transcript).
  • Experience from study programs within economics, math-econ, public policy, political science or similar.
You will be affiliated with one of the following research groups – please write which position you are interested in:

The Research Centre for Firms and INdustry Dynamics (FIND) is seeking a student programmer to help with data work and other activities supporting research at the center.
Research areas include: Firm and industry dynamics (e.g., firm growth, market entry/exit,
market structure, mergers & acquisitions); Globalization, international trade, and
offshoring; Firm heterogeneity (including productivity, product quality, technology,
automation etc.); Interactions between firms and labor markets; Firm behaviour etc.

Contact person: Associate professor Ina C. Jäkel, inaj@econ.au.dk

Researchers in the labour and public policy group at the Department of Economics and Business Economics are seeking a student programmer to help with data work and other activities supporting their research projects on topics related to labour, education and health.

Contact person: Professor Maria Knoth Humlum, mhumlum@econ.au.dk

Place of work

Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, and the area of employment is Aarhus University with related departments.

Requirements and terms

You are employed as student programmer with salary and other terms of employment
in accordance with the organizational agreement between the Ministry of Finance and
PROSA / Stat.

The positions are expected to include between 6 and 9 working hours per week. Working hours and term of appointment to be agreed with the employed candidate and according to the employed candidate's qualifications. Workloads may vary in some weeks after agreement.

Your application (in Danish or English) should include: A letter of motivation, a confirmation of enrolment (including grade transcript) and a CV.

Aarhus University’s ambition is to be an attractive and inspiring workplace for all and to foster a culture in which each individual has opportunities to thrive, achieve and develop. We view equality and diversity as assets, and we welcome all applicants.

The application must be submitted via Aarhus University’s recruitment system, which can be accessed under the job advertisement on Aarhus University's website.

Spørgsmål til stillingen?

Ina Charlotte Jäkel

Ina Charlotte Jäkel Lektor, Institut for Økonomi +4587165195 inaj@econ.au.dk

Spørgsmål til ansøgning og proces?

Administrationscenter Aarhus BSS - Aarhus BSS HR & Ph.d. bss.hr@au.dk

Søg stillingen

Ansøgningsfrist: mandag den 30. sep 2024 kl. 23:59 CEST

36.000 studerende

inklusiv ph.d.-studerende

8.500 ansatte

opgjort i årsværk

7,7 mia. kr.
